Reflections: End of the Year

Before we get to today’s post here are links for previously mentioned book reviews: Shadow Magic and Mistborn. Go check them out (if you pick up a copy via the links in the reviews, you’re helping support me!) and let me know what you think! Also, I just learned one of my poems, “Converse,” was accepted for publication in a new anthology of poetry Through A Distant Lens.

LA in the distance.
LA in the distance.

I know I’ve posted somewhere before about end of year things, but in all honesty, I’m too lazy to look it up. Coming up to the new year, many people (myself included) reflect on the past year. Reflection is one way that we learn about our past and how to make our future a better place. Below are a few things that I’ve included that I wrote down throughout the year (which I need to be more on top of next year, curses!) that were good or positive things that happened to me this past year. While the whole was not the best, I would rather remember the positive than the negatives.

  • I started an online magazine (
  • I had interest in a nonfiction book on meditation and writer’s block.
  • I got into an MFA program (though I couldn’t afford to attend).
  • I attended the San Gabriel Valley Literary Festival.
  • I met wonderful people in the Teen Wolf fandom.
  • Three attractive men told me I was beautiful in one day.
  • Karina Dale made me lots of love art.
  • Karina Dale (‘nuf said).
  • Mia Vogel wrote me a lovely letter.
  • I started publishing an online graphic novel (
  • I saved up enough money to replace my current computer.
  • I had several poems accepted for publication.

We also have this thing called New Year’s Resolution(s). These, I’m not a big fan of. I’ll tell you why. First, these resolutions are set to begin on the first 1/1. Second, they are often nebulous goals or goals that cannot be broken down or require outside force (I’m working on some of my own to bring them within my power). Last, these resolutions are often forgotten or left by the wayside.

But, I think goals and resolutions are a good thing. But why wait until the new year to start? Last month, I came up with some goals that I wanted to achieve. I’ve included a list below. One of them, yoga, I wanted to start going 2-3 times per week. Instead of waiting until the new year began, I started going the next week. I’ve done three weeks of yoga now, and while it’s still not an easy task, I’m incorporating it into my weekly routine. Not all things are here to stay, but this is something that I’ve really missed in my life and I’ve decided that it was important enough to bring back. I used to do yoga at home (but now I know I won’t). Though not all my goals are something within my power, they are goals that I can work toward.

Writing Goals:

  1. Submit to 10 agents in the months of January and February.
  2. Discuss a book deal regarding my novella.
  3. Publish my meditation book.
  4. Submit to TinHouse and American Short Fiction.

Dietary Goals

  1. Eat more veggies. At least one serving per day.
  2. Eat better carbs, reduce refined sugar consumption.

Fitness Goals

  1. Work up to running 2x a week.
  2. Work up to yoga 3x a week.

Mental/Spiritual Goals

  1. Work up to meditating 3-5 times per week.
  2. Shift attitude and mindset to a healthier, more positive outlook.
  3. Walk in nature once a week for 30-60 mins.
  4. Recite positive affirmations

Financial Goals

  1.  Alter lifestyle to reduce unnecessary spending (walk/bike more)
  2. Find more part-time work or full-time work (found some already!).
  3. Cultivate more writer clients.
  4.  Sell books/stories.

With goals, the important point is to analyze them and bring about a step-by-step process on how to achieve them. Writing goals down is super important. It’s a way to look and remember what one should be working on or toward. Breaking down goals and setting mini-goals is almost more important than anything else. For example, I have the goal of incorporating more vegetables in my diet. While this is a vague goal, I can break it down to something like: eat a head of broccoli once per week. Once I have that down as a habit, I can increase the intake of vegetables to include, perhaps, snow peas. Or come up with a rotating vegetable menu. Change is difficult, but the small steps of daily life is within our power. It takes time, and slip ups always happen, but once these become habit, then our daily lives have changed, for the better.

What are some of your goals, and how will you go about achieving them?

Am I Crazy?

Well, it’s that time of year again. I have to admit that my brain is completely useless mush at the moment. I don’t feel like I’ll type anything coherent, but we’ll say this is an experiment, shall we?

Nothing new on the publishing front. I’ve almost finished the second book in my Glenwood High series, and I’ll be editing that over the coming weeks and sending out queries after the first of the year to agents to see if I can get any bites on the concept and writing. I think it’s a great story (which I don’t always think about my own work), and I really want to share it with people. But I also want to learn as much as I can from the project, so querying agents is a logical step.

I’ve finished all my graduate school applications (woohoo!) and I have a really great feeling about my prospects this year. Every time I’ve put together an application, I’ve had stronger and stronger applications. This is my year! I’ll keep everyone updated when I hear more (likely in late February at the earliest, more likely March). I need to send out the stories I wrote and edited for publication.

I’m getting ready for my upcoming trip to Portland by buying wool socks on Amazon. I know, I know, I’m a wimpy little Southern Californian. I’m okay with that. Next item on the shopping list is new shoes. Though I bought a pair in April, I really need to replace the two I’ve had for years. Here’s to looking over the next week!

I’ve recently accepted to work with a review site. I’ll post more details later and when my first review is posted. I’ll mostly begin to write reviews here as well. We’ll see how insane it get, because, you know, I don’t already have enough to do. Sigh.

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!

New Publications

Apologies on getting this blog up late. It’s been a busy week! After the whole NaNoing all last month, I’ve now had to play catch up on other aspects of my life, like grad school applications. And I’ve been blessed to be working with two clients as well (if you or a writing friend needs a writing mentor or editor, well, here I am!).

Anyway, I wanted to share that I had two poems, “Exposed Brick” and “Haiku 99,” published this last Sunday evening in Carnival Literary, Coffee. Carnival is a wonderful publication, and I’m glad to be included! You can find more about them here.

Please take a moment to go over and download the latest issue. Best of all? It’s free. And it’s a great publication! Let me know what you think.

If you’d like the most up-to-date news on publications dates and links, please sign up for my author newsletter!


