About Me


K. Andrew Turner writes truth and off-truths in prose and poetic forms. His works spans the literary, lyrical, and speculative genres with a heavy influence of LGBT themed stories from the communities he’s lived in. The natural wonders of California, New Mexico, and New England have influenced his writings. In addition to the exploration of human relationships, his works can be the absurd, random observations coffee-shop encounters, or the spiritual. He believes the body, mind, and spirit is intertwined and that all life is connected, whether through breath or action. His work has appeared in Chiron Review, Carnival Magazine, Lummox, Cadence Collective, and various anthologies and local publications.

As a freelance editor for creative and technical/academic writing, he maintains an author’s voice and style while sloughing away pesky errors. He teachers and mentors creative writers with traditional methods to evolve and define their work, and with meditative techniques to help clients and students unlock their creative potential with discovery and newly-opened eyes. He founded East Jasmine Review in 2013, where he works to publish quality writing with an emphasis in giving voice to marginalized literary communities, as he believes diversity creates a network of shared experiences that would otherwise be impossible. He live, works, and writes in the San Gabriel Valley in Southern California where he spends too much time on Twitter and Tumblr.

Visit his website to learn more: www.kandrewturner.com

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