Webcomic and yes, grad school (gah!)

I’m sitting here in Starbucks, wondering what to write about and the only thing I’ve been able to think of is grad school. I know, I know. My grad school posts are always incredibly depressing and boring, but that’s what is on my mind today.

I have a few school in mind, yes, but I just don’t have the energy or presence of mind to apply to 30 schools like I did last year (I may be rounding up). It is a rather long, torturous process, and one I’m not looking forward to. But, I think this is the time to do it. I’ve been writing a few new stories to try and find one or two that I like.

I’m not happy with either one I’ve worked on, and so I’ll have to keep trying until I hit two I can be happy with. In the meantime, I’m reading and making scratches on paper, hoping for something wonderful to come up and out. All the while hoping that the process doesn’t crush me like it did last year and leave me as a nearly broken writer. It’s brutal and horrible and by god it’s the worst feeling in the world when you’re not good enough.

For now, send happy thoughts my way. I’ll need them now and in the future.

P.S. In other news, the webcomic I’ve been working on is finally going up! Check it out: http://dbandmatty.smackjeeves.com