Upcoming June Events

Below are two workshops I’ll be hosting in June. For the most up-to-date event listings, visit my website event page.

First Paragraphs and Publishing: Writer’s Shop Talk, by Coffee House Writer’s Group

When: Friday June 13, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: Buddhamouse Emporium, 134 Yale Ave, Claremont

What: This will be a workshop/session covering first paragraphs and focusing on the contract between reader and writer and what sort of story the reader expects from the first paragraph or two (or longer for novels). The class is designed around what publishers are looking for in fiction and how to craft a first paragraph that lays the foundation for the rest of the story.

How much: This workshop is free to the public.

Using Meditation to Overcome Writer’s Block

When: Friday June 27 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: Buddhamouse Emporium, 134 Yale Ave, Claremont

What: Meditation can change your mindset to overcome writer’s block and clear the mind to effectively diminish the roadblocks to your writing. With breathing techniques and visualization added to the session, you will have all you need to get writing again. Bring pen/pencil, paper, and something to write on.

How much: $12